Source code for astrohack.locit

import graphviper.utils.parameter
import graphviper.utils.logger as logger

from astrohack._utils._dask_graph_tools import _dask_general_compute
from astrohack._utils._dio import _check_if_file_will_be_overwritten, _check_if_file_exists, _write_meta_data
from astrohack._utils._locit import _locit_separated_chunk, _locit_combined_chunk, _locit_difference_chunk
from astrohack._utils._tools import get_default_file_name
from astrohack.mds import AstrohackLocitFile, AstrohackPositionFile

from typing import Union, List

[docs]) def locit( locit_name: str, position_name: str = None, elevation_limit: float = 10.0, polarization: str = 'both', fit_engine: str = 'scipy', fit_kterm: bool = False, fit_delay_rate: bool = True, ant: Union[str, List[str]] = "all", ddi: Union[int, List[int]] = "all", combine_ddis: str = 'simple', parallel: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False ): """ Extract Antenna position determination data from an MS and stores it in a locit output file. :param locit_name: Name of input *.locit.zarr file. :type locit_name: str :param position_name: Name of *<position_name>.position.zarr* file to create. Defaults to measurement set name \ with *position.zarr* extension. :type position_name: str, optional :param elevation_limit: Lower elevation limit for excluding sources in degrees :type elevation_limit: float, optional :param polarization: Which polarization to use R, L or both for circular systems, X, Y, or both for linear systems. :type polarization: str, optional :param fit_kterm: Fit antenna elevation axis offset term, defaults to False :type fit_kterm: bool, optional :param fit_delay_rate: Fit delay rate with time, defaults to True :type fit_delay_rate: bool, optional :param fit_engine: What engine to use on fitting, default is linear algebra :type fit_engine: str, optional :param ant: List of antennas/antenna to be processed, defaults to "all" when None, ex. ea25 :type ant: list or str, optional :param ddi: List of ddis/ddi to be processed, defaults to "all" when None, ex. 0 :type ddi: list or int, optional :param combine_ddis: Type of DDI combination, if desired, defaults to simple :type combine_ddis: str, optional :param parallel: Run in parallel. Defaults to False. :type parallel: bool, optional :param overwrite: Boolean for whether to overwrite current position.zarr file, defaults to False. :type overwrite: bool, optional :return: Antenna position object. :rtype: AstrohackPositionFile .. _Description: **AstrohackPositionFile** Position object allows the user to access position data via compound dictionary keys with values, in order of depth, `ant` -> `ddi`. The position object also provides a `summary()` helper function to list available keys for each file. An outline of the position object structure is show below: .. rubric:: combine_ddis = no: .. parsed-literal:: position_mds = { ant_0:{ ddi_0: position_ds, ddi_m: position_ds }, ant_n: … } .. rubric:: combine_ddis = ["simple", "difference"]: .. parsed-literal:: position_mds = { ant_0: position_ds ant_n: position_ds } **Additional Information** .. rubric:: Available fitting engines: For locit two fitting engines have been implemented, one the classic method used in AIPS is called here 'linear algebra' and a newer more pythonic engine using scipy curve fitting capabilities, which we call scipy, more details below. * linear algebra: This fitting engine is based on the least square methods for solving linear systems, this engine is fast, about one order of magnitude faster than scipy, but may fail to converge, also its uncertainties may be underestimated. * scipy: This fitting engine uses the well established scipy.optimize.curve_fit routine. This engine is slower than the linear algebra engine, but it is more robust with better estimated uncertainties. .. rubric:: Choosing a polarization The position fit may be done on either polarization (R or L for the VLA, X or Y for ALMA) or for both polarizations at once. When choosing both polarizations we increase the robustness of the solution by doubling the amount of data fitted. .. rubric:: Combining DDIs By default, (combine_ddis='simple') locit combines different DDIs so that there is a single position solution per antenna. The other options are, a solution for each of the DDIs for each antenna (combine_ddis='no') or combining two DDIs by computing the delays from the difference in phases between the two DDIs of different frequencies (combine_ddis='difference'). combine_ddis='simple' : Generates higher antenna position correction solutions of higher SNR as more data is used each delay fit. combine_ddis='no' : Useful for detecting systematic differences between different DDIs. combine_ddis='difference' : This method is useful for cases where phase wrapping may have occurred due to large delays. **Examples** - `position_mds = locit("myphase.locit.zarr", polarization='R', combine_ddis='simple')` -> Fit the phase delays in "myphase.locit.zarr" for all antennas by combining the delays from all DDIs but using only the 'R' polarization. - `position_mds = locit("myphase.locit.zarr", combine_ddis='difference', elevation_limit=30.0)` -> Fit the phase difference delays in "myphase.locit.zarr" for all antennas but only using sources above 30 degrees elevation. """ # Doing this here allows it to get captured by locals() if position_name is None: position_name = get_default_file_name(input_file=locit_name, output_type=".position.zarr") locit_params = locals() input_params = locit_params.copy() attributes = locit_params.copy() _check_if_file_exists(locit_params['locit_name']) _check_if_file_will_be_overwritten(locit_params['position_name'], locit_params['overwrite']) locit_mds = AstrohackLocitFile(locit_params['locit_name']) locit_params['ant_info'] = locit_mds['ant_info'] locit_params['obs_info'] = locit_mds['obs_info'] attributes['telescope_name'] = locit_mds._meta_data['telescope_name'] attributes['reference_antenna'] = locit_mds._meta_data['reference_antenna'] if combine_ddis == 'simple': function = _locit_combined_chunk key_order = ['ant'] elif combine_ddis == 'difference': function = _locit_difference_chunk key_order = ['ant'] else: function = _locit_separated_chunk key_order = ['ant', 'ddi'] if _dask_general_compute(locit_mds, function, locit_params, key_order, parallel=parallel):"Finished processing") output_attr_file = "{name}/{ext}".format(name=locit_params['position_name'], ext=".position_attr") _write_meta_data(output_attr_file, attributes) output_attr_file = "{name}/{ext}".format(name=locit_params['position_name'], ext=".position_input") _write_meta_data(output_attr_file, input_params) position_mds = AstrohackPositionFile(locit_params['position_name']) return position_mds else: logger.warning("No data to process") return None